Good morning from the Lifestyle Support Guru! I have been busy recently, so I’ve been unable to help you with those little problems that beset all of us on life’s difficult path, but today I am going to help you learn how to MAKE DECISIONS.
As usual, I will set the scene:
Firstly, imagine that you woke up at a ridiculously early time and you are now wondering how to fill your day. Now you need to ask yourself the following questions:
1. Do you have any money-off vouchers forĀ a large store (let’s say, just for the hell of it, that it’s M&S)?
If the answer is YES, go to the next question. If it’s NO, then get the duster and polish or ironing board out and fill your day with boring stuff.
2. Do those vouchers have an ‘end’ date?
If the answer is YES, go to the next question. If the answer is NO, see the ‘NO’ solution to Question 1.
3. Are you able to use those vouchers before they run out (let’s say, just for the hell of it, that they run out on Monday and you’re busy on Sunday and Monday)?
If the answer is NO, go to the next question. If the answer is YES, see the ‘NO’ solution to Question 1. (Just trying to keep you on your toes here, lol!)
4. Have you completed all of today’s Microsoft Mah-Jong and Solitaire Daily Challenges?
If the answer is YES, go to MAKE YOUR DECISION. If the answer is ‘NO’, see the boring ‘NO’ solution to Question 1.
MAKE YOUR DECISION: If you answered all the questions correctly (3xYES, 1xNO), you should by now have made your mind up and can go and spend those vouchers with a clear conscience. Now, where’s that bus timetable…